Write when drunk. Edit when sober. Marketing is the hangover.

Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.

Joe Chernov

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new ideas, quick fixes, and instant results. But, as the saying goes, “write when drunk, edit when sober,” there’s a process behind every successful marketing campaign that requires a delicate balance between creativity and critical thinking.

At first glance, the chaotic rush of launching a new campaign might feel exhilarating—similar to the carefree feeling of being a little tipsy. You throw your ideas into a strategy, create ads, write content, and publish everything with the hopes that it will quickly capture your audience’s attention. This is where the “writing when drunk” part comes in. You are spontaneous, enthusiastic, and full of creative energy.

But once the dust settles and your campaign is live, the “hangover” kicks in. The excitement fades, and now it’s time to edit. This is where the sober, strategic thinking begins. You go through your campaigns with a critical eye, reviewing analytics, gathering feedback, and adjusting your strategies. The rush of the initial excitement can cloud your judgment, but it’s through editing that you can truly refine your marketing efforts.

The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s highly measurable. Unlike traditional marketing, where you often launch campaigns and cross your fingers, digital marketing allows you to track every step. From Google Ads to social media campaigns, website traffic to email marketing, every move is logged, and data is available to guide you. This gives you a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t, just like a clear head after a long night.

However, one of the biggest mistakes businesses make is the lack of post-launch analysis. After the campaign is out in the world, many marketers leave it running on autopilot without checking how it’s performing. This is like continuing to drink even after you’ve had too much—inevitably, it leads to a marketing hangover.

To avoid this, take the time to edit and refine. Assess your performance metrics carefully. Are your ads reaching the right audience? Are your conversion rates where you want them to be? Which keywords are bringing in traffic, and which ones are not? Editing your campaign based on these insights will help you fine-tune your approach and increase your ROI.

Marketing is not just about the rush of hitting publish. It’s about building a long-term strategy that evolves with your audience’s needs and preferences. Just like a successful party, the aftermath (the hangover) is where the real work is done. You clean up, make adjustments, and prepare for the next round of creative energy.

So, next time you’re in the thick of a campaign launch, remember the “write when drunk, edit when sober” philosophy. Don’t just ride on the high of your initial ideas. Edit with intention, review with purpose, and most importantly, learn from the data. That’s how you move from a great idea to a great result in digital marketing.